Thursday, September 13, 2012

Are You Dry And Brittle or Pliable To The Holy Spirit?

Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
    We are the clay, you are the potter;
    we are all the work of your hand. ~ Isaiah 64:8

May you examine yourself today and make sure you are pliable in your Father's hands.  
1. Easily bent or shaped.
2. Receptive to change; adaptable: pliable attitudes.
3. Easily influenced, persuaded, or swayed; tractable.
To  be pliable, you must stay humble and flee from pride and arrogance.  You must renew your mind everyday and examine yourself to see if you can hear the Holy Spirit speaking to teach you and move you in the direction needed for our Father's will.  

It is the potter who does the molding and shaping of the clay. He knows what He wants the finished product to be and look like. The clay is totally under his control. It has to be 100% yielded to him, not 50%, not even 99%. The clay MUST YIELD to the potter's hand if it is to become something useful. We yield to God by surrendering our will.

Lord, I pray today that we would seek to be the clay that is pliable and you are able to work into us what your design for us was before the creation of the world.