Monday, December 6, 2010

Inner Healing

(This lesson is taught by Marvin Gorman. If you will go to Foundation for Human Helps website you can order this teaching on cd. We HIGHLY recommend all of Pastor Gorman's teachings!!! He is heavily anointed in all of the teachings the Holy Spirit gives him to preach and teach!)

Must help SELF first! Until you are helped you CAN NOT help someone else. You can change circumstances or learn to cope… but you must be healed to help self first. You must be healed from anger, depression, jealousy, bitterness, etc. The stress from these things will break you if you don’t receive healing from what’s inside of you.

First step- Be willing to FACE & ACCEPT TRUTH! If not… you will continually wrestle with problems bigger than YOU are. You have got to deal with truth as it relates to YOU. Confess or admit problem is a MUST! (Not to be confused with BLAME!) Doesn’t matter WHO cased it. You have to get rid of it. You are carrying that problem with you which robs you of several things.

The first thing it will rob you of is your inner peace and joy.

The second thing it will rob you of is your physical energy and body’s health.

The third thing carrying this unresolved disease around with you will do to you is destroy your spiritual life.

(Now understand… the first thing that you come up with is almost NEVER the REAL problem but rather a symptom of the REAL problem. Ex. Bitterness in your heart is a symptom or side effect of a deeper problem.)

Ask yourself… WHO is this problem effecting? Self? Spouse? Family? We must always start with self because it is SELF we have to love before we can love others. The Bible commands us, per Jesus, “to love others as you love yourself”. People often attack one another because they don’t love SELF… therefore we war with reflection of what they remind us of in our SELF we don’t like about our SELF! If the other person quits retaliating it makes us more angry because we are forced to look at exposed problem. IF we have others (children even) that act like us, we lash out at them because they put in our face our problems. The things that show us up, we will instinctively attack!

If you don’t fix problems… they will continue to manifest until they destroy you.

This is where hypocrisy enters in. People say “I love you” but they don’t because they don’t even love themselves. (This is especially found true in the church world of religiosity).

Second step- REPENTANCE! Go to the LORD in prayerful repentance for forgiveness of ever allowing yourself to open up and allow this symptom or problem to come into you in the first place! STOP BLAMING others!!!

Then REPENT for the attitude that caused you to react the way you have for however long.

Next REPENT for the people that inflicted this problem on you. YES, you have to REPENT for them as you do sincerely do this… you will feel the release of the hold it has had on you in your life.

Third step- Prepare to deal with other things about to surface! That is right… buckle up and hang on tight! Because you started with what symptoms or side effects recognized presently… the devil isn’t going to release this stronghold without a fight. Try to write them down… all those things that have added to your problem to complicate your life. We must be conquerors of problems that smolder and burn inside us.

Fourth step- Dig down to SELF through REPENTANCE! Quit dragging problems around with you like a ball and chain inside your jail cell! Christ can set you FREE if you REPENT! (Read over Hebrews 4.12 and meditate on this scripture).

It is very important to understand that CONFESSION is NOT REPENTANCE! Healing doesn’t come overnight in MOST cases. Deliverance from evil spirits is NOT the same as deliverance from what you have allowed into your being over a lifetime. Only YOU can release that… through reading God’s WORD and repenting. As “they” surface write “them” down or YOU will never be set free and “they” will not be to blame come judgment time. It is YOU that will be accountable for YOU and what YOU allowed to be within YOU.

Repentance chops up things, like a food processor, so you can get it out and get shed of it once and for all. Think of a person ingesting poison. The first thing the medical professionals do is give you something to induce vomiting and then they pump your stomach out. They don’t just reach in and pull all the poison out at one time. It is a process of breaking it down and getting it out. The same is true of repentance. If we don’t chop it up so we can get it out… it will make you sick and can kill you later on!

“I forgive you, but I’m not going to forget!” = “I’m gonna keep this around in case I ever need it again!” Think about it. To truly forgive you have to forget! Leave it dead and buried and DO NOT go dig it up again!!!

I remember a song back in the 80’s called, “Digging Up Bones” by Randy Travis. This song was about sitting around and lusting for something that was dead and gone… probably for a really good reason. Sometimes we do this without thinking… something triggers our memory and an old feeling or emotion floods our being in a sick and unhealthy way. Ungodliness is just that… UNGODLY! We are supposed to be Christ like in our thinking and remain on a GODLY thought pattern to be renewed daily! We must RENEW our minds constantly and consistently as the mind is the battlefield in which the devil loves to open up a fiery attack IF we don’t keep him out!

We should spend 15 minutes a day on our knees repenting for allowing this problem to build up inside of us. Repent! Name every person you have wounded with your problem. Even those who have really hurt you and you have wished at some point you could see them suffer. This steals our joy! Your joy depends on NO ONE but YOU and your inner peace!

Some of us will spend a MONTH or better at this step or stage because more and more will come up into plain view that has been harbored from way back in even childhood! Understand… there are NO SHORTCUTS!!! The devil will offer you “shortcuts” always… but our Father God expects us to withstand in faith the long haul. Yes, there is suffering. Yes, there is times when it is an uphill climb! But PRAISE BE TO GOD for the top of that mountain is achievable through FAITH, LOVE, GRACE, MERCY, AND REPENTANCE!!!

Many marriages fail because you are bringing into the relationship past things that were “nasty” or “tainted” from previous relationships. Must get SELF emptied out or it will never work. Again… STOP BLAMING and deal with YOU!

Shallow repentance is NOT repentance. Confession will cause you to receive a peace and to recognize strength that you can deal with real problem. Repentance causes you to get problem OUT!

Fifth step- See all people you have hurt! Weeping and crying out for those we have caused pain too. REPENT! You will experience a time of guilt and anger. That is when the devil says… “This ain’t working!” Many stop right here. You won’t get through this process without weeping. You have to face you selfishness and the pain you have caused others. STOP saying, “They made me do it!” and instead say, “I have hurt them, God forgive me!” Pray for those that hurt you. You are going to endure anger towards yourself for falling into the trap!

The spirit of suicide can attack through guilt, shame, and unforgiveness so please be very wise during this stage of your progression to inner healing! If you feel this even a hint… this is a time to call in the prayer warriors in your life. Ask them to help rebuke this spirit prayerfully so you can complete the healing process. As you push into the presence of God, the demons of torment want to stop you. Suicide is the drastic measure of the devil to stop you from walking in glory for the LORD and conquer the evil spirits trying to shut you down. They want to stop you from achieving the promises of God in your life. You may not know what God has for you… but know this… the demons of hell’s fury do! Fight the good fight as instructed by Paul. PUSH through for your breakthrough and receive the healing of a life time… an eternal lifetime! AMEN!

The sixth and final stage or step- “LORD, it is really YOU I have sinned against all this time by allowing this problem to rule my life!” Absorbing this into your core being will help you so much in the future with knowing WHY it is important to deflect these issues when they show their ugly face again.

God bless you and I pray this will help you in your walk as it has me. While I still battle with attacks of the enemy… this formula has helped me more than once. I want to give the glory to God for the teaching of this as HE gave it to my Brother Marvin Gorman and he passed it on to us.

This process is tough. The road is steep. Our Jesus will continue to help us through this as we “chop” up the burden we are carrying inside of us. The Holy Spirit will begin to fill in those voided spaces where once these sinful things lay. Praise the LORD for HIS perfect and awesome plan of salvation and progressive sanctification!!!