Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feeling the LOVE of our Father!!!

Our Father God loves us! His love is purest of pure. It knows nothing of this worldly form that is tainted and elusive, impure and self motivated. Our Father God is perfection of all things. His love for HIS children is awesome indeed.
When we say, "I love the LORD GOD." As pure as that might be intended from our lips to HIS HOLY EARS... it is still as filthy rags to HIM! Therefore, it is very important to say rather, "My Father God, Lord of all things with breath, loves me!" That is something awesome and magnificent! This latter statement contains NO filth for there is no lie within our Father God!
"But how might I say, My Father in heaven loves me!!!", one might ask. Or "I have done so many things wrong and sinful in my life, I can't possibly be worthy of such perfect love!", one might tell him/herself. But I say to you, rebuke that spirit of condemnation from your heart! For it is robbing you of the BLOOD OF CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT which bring LIFE ETERNAL to you!!!
The condemnation spirit is very powerful. It wants to speak things into your life that steal, kill, and destroy the NEW CREATURE you have became in Christ Jesus! This evil spirit will rob you of the GRACE Christ was crucified to deliver us! By HIS stripes we are healed! He didn't suffer one aspect at the hands of the enemies of God for nothing! EVERY STRIPE, EVERY HUMILIATION, EVERY NAIL, EVERY HOUR was for a purpose of deliverance and salvation! Take hold of this and loose this evil spirit back to the confines of HELL where it belongs!
The spirit of condemnation will speak to you and tell you that you aren't worthy of forgiveness. Your sins are to great to be forgiven, it might say! And IF you should listen to one word of this... that spirit of condemnation screams out for the spirits of shame, guilt, depression, anxiety, and doubt to rape you of your precious faith, glorified hope and powerful love!!!
If you are in bondage to any of these spirits I would ask that you please listen and hit your knees to pray for the LORD to deliver you from these powerful evils. Ask an elder or two for an anointing and pray over you with faith for your deliverance from this oppression. Our Father is a loving and merciful GOD! HE wants to set the captives free! Freedom is there for the taking IF you will act in HIS obedience and receive it!
I pray this will bless someone suffering this day from feelings of unworthiness, helplessness, hopelessness, paralyzing fears, deep depression, torment, suffering, and hardened hearts! May the LORD GOD answer all your needs through your prayer of repentance for ever allowing these things to rob you of HIS HOLY LOVE FOR YOU!
I pray the Holy Spirit will come into your heart and replace every void once cleansed by repentance and fill your heart with fruits of the Holy Spirit!!! I pray you embrace the overflow and reap the LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONG SUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE awaiting to blossom in your life!!!
If you have need for someone to pray with you and you don't have anyone... we are here for you! We will pray for you with gladness!!! Prayer is powerful! It can move mountains and cast them into the sea! We love you... but most importantly OUR FATHER GOD LOVES YOU HOLY AND WHOLE!!!