When we allow the Spirit to lead us in our lives... truth is... we don't have a clue where we are going! When we truly listen how and when to make the next step in obedience of our Lord's voice calling us onward about HIS business... destination is purely faith based. Remember Abram, he knew NOT where the LORD was leading him to go BUT he went in faith! Abram (later Abraham) left all things familiar and headed out to seek the LORD's will for not only his life but the lives of future generations to come through him!
Paul and I attended Resurrection Ministries church services this morning and the Pastor was preaching on healing through faith. He spent some time on the fact that faith is really where our Father deals with us. Faith isn't just something we do but it is a destination in itself. We have to live our lives in total faith. Never walking outside of faith's boundaries and hope's promises. Faith is crucial to any Christian's walk with the Lord. Without it... we have nothing but destruction ahead of us.
Today, we were blessed with a congregation of people worshiping and praying and praising the LORD in awesome faith. We saw the mighty hand of the LORD come through HIS Holy Spirit and touch and heal people. We saw the anointing flow from life to life. We all were touched by the power of the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit in operation this morning. Needless to say, it was wonderful.
As a dear sister in the faith shared with me her daily devotional the other day, an analogy spoke to my soul and spirit very deeply. The devotional was about faith. It likened our faith to an envelope. An envelope that we stuff with our prayers and send to our LORD! As she read this to me... I quickly grabbed an envelope from my desk drawer and in huge lettering across the front of it wrote... FAITH. Then I flipped it over and on the inside of the envelope I wrote... PRAYER REQUESTS!
I shared this analogy with my ladies at Bible Study this past Thursday morning. As I was sharing with them I was moved to add to this more. IF we don't seal those prayers in faith with the LOVE of our Father in KNOWING HIS WILL BE DONE... then we have left our prayers open to doubt and worry and confusion and hence the Devil can move into our prayer life and tread on our needs!!! WE MUST SEAL THEM UP IN THE NAME OF CHRIST YESHUA JESUS!!! AMEN?!
I feel led to add to this now... don't forget to pray for the spiritual needs of your life, your family (the body of Christ), your pastor and your home (Church). Sometimes all we pray for is physical, carnal, and worldly! Quite frankly, I don't believe the Lord is going to be concerning himself with all that "stuff" at this hour! We are in spiritual warfare and we need to be praying for the ability to stand in an hour of battle! Not by our own strength is this possible!!! BUT BY THE POWER AND STRENGTH OF CHRIST IN US... IT IS POSSIBLE! For all things are possible through Christ JESUS that is our STRENGTH! Be mindful of David and the story of his faith in the LORD when as a child he battled lions, bears, and even a giant in the land.
There are so many false prophets that are out there to feed your carnal mind and tickle your ears with WORLDLY philosophies!!! This is NOT what our LORD GOD is about! Praise the LORD, there are some true prophets and true shepherds left to tend the sheep! IF you are blessed to have one... keep them prayed up! IF you don't have one in your midst... you better WATCH AND PRAY! There are wolves out there! Hear me... there are some wolves that are appearing like sheep!!! BE WISE!!!
Our Father has told us, warned us... to be watchful! Christ told us, warned us to be... WATCHFUL!!! Are you WATCHING??? What does it mean to WATCH??? Meditate, pray on this. Listen for HIS peaceful soft voice to answer that into your heart!
There is an hour coming so quickly upon us... that it can seem overwhelming IF you allow it! There is much work to be done in the preparing of the coming Kingdom of Christ. There are wounded souls out there. There are bitter, resentful, depressed, anxious, backslid CHRISTIANS that need to be brought back in as laborers! INSTEAD our people want to CRUCIFY those that have made mistakes! I dare to say, those that hold such a HUGE ROD of JUDGMENT in their hands... ummm, Lord, I pray mercy on their souls! For as you judge you shall be judged!
Listen, we all have made some poor choices. And yes, even CHRISTIANS... in any part of the body, be they greeters at the door or singers in the choir or preaching the message... are all human beings in the flesh and blood and they are going to make mistakes and they are going to sin!!! BUT PLEASE I PRAY for us to stop CRUCIFYING ONE ANOTHER!!! THIS type of action IS NOT what we were instructed to do! This is a work of the devil in the midst of our people! Christ said we were to LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!!! INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF PERFECTION! We are to EDIFY one another! Minister truth where it is needed in a wounded friend of the faith and help them find the LORD that once cleaned them up and made them whole... lead them back to the CROSS OF CHRIST and let them get about their FATHER'S business once again! Remind them of the prodigal son and his victorious homecoming!!! For this is what is in store to those that have left IF they repent and come home! LET no one in a body stand in the way of that, lest God ALMIGHTY strike that person down into humbleness!
Glory to God for HIS grace is sufficient! There is NOTHING anyone of us can do that the BLOOD OF CHRIST, THE PASSOVER LAMB, can't cover!!! IT IS POWERFUL! I don't care what you have done... REPENT and PLEAD THE BLOOD!!! That is the prescription of our LORD for all sins! Praise the LORD!!!
God bless you all. Continue to share the Good News of Christ with others in your path. Don't miss an opportunity, the time, or the words... as these three things once gone NEVER can be regained! Be blessed this week! Amen.