Friday, December 4, 2009

Progressive Sanctification (Growing in Faith and Godliness)

Progressive Sanctification
(Growing in Faith and Godliness)

See also Overcoming Sin to be posted at later date.

1.Keep growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 3.18
2.Do not be content to be an immature Christian, as was the case with many Hebrew believers.
Hebrews 5. 11- 6 . 4
3.God works in us through his word to bring us to spiritual maturity, to sanctify us.
John 17.17.
Colossians 3. 16.
I Peter 2. 2-3.
Psalms 119. 11, 105
4.The Bible, the inspired, inerrant word of God is that by which he trains us in righteousness so that we may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3. 16-17.
5.The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, teaches us through his own word.
John 14. 25-26
6.The word of God is immeasurably effective.
Hebrews 4. 12.
7.Like a runner in a race, keep pressing on until you have gained the victory, as did the apostle Paul.
Philippians 3. 12-14
(NOTE: Paul had a healthy dissatisfaction with himself, although he was already a mature Christian. He would neither focus on past failure, nor would he allow himself to become discouraged after he did fall. He kept pressing on.)
8.Get rid of everything that might hinder you and run the race with perseverance.
Hebrews 12.1
9.Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith. Focus on all he did to save you.
Hebrews 12.2
10.Train yourself to be godly. Be like an athlete, who persists in training. That's what Paul counseled Timothy to do.
I Timothy 4. 7-8.
11.Put much effort into living a godly life.
2 Peter 3. 14.
12.Abide in Jesus Christ, the vine, through whom alone you can bear much fruit, to glorify God.
John 15. 1-8 (special attention to verses 1, 5, 8)
13.Imitate Jesus so that you will become more and more Christ-like.
I John 2.6.
14.The apostle Peter lists some Christ-like virtues we should seek after.
2 Peter 1. 5-9
15.We must be motivated to work at growing in faith and godliness by the victory we have through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I Corinthians 15. 57-58
2 Corinthians 7.1
Romans 12. 1-2
16. God uses his word to revive the soul, make wise the simple, give joy to the heart, give light to the eyes, and much more.
Psalms 19. 7-11
17.The Lord requires us to keep working out our salvation in every area of life, since he works in us by his word and spirit.
Philippians 2. 12-13.
18.God is graciously transforming every Christian more and more into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 3.18