Monday, April 6, 2009

A thankful heart (piog A New Thing Ministries)

A New Thing Ministries
A Thankful Heart...

I am a person who likes to write things down - I always have. I have a list in my purse most of the time of things I would like to find or pick up next time I am shopping.

I also keep journals of things God shows me in the word or things He speaks to me. I keep written down messages I have heard over the years that really spoke to me. Many, many times I will go back through old notes to encourage myself in the Lord.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about all the things I am thankful for - that God has done for me in the past. The Psalmist said 'I recall the many miracles God has done for me. They are constantly in my thoughts. I can't stop thinking about them.'

Notice the thoughts of God's goodness was always on his mind. There are many reasons to recall the goodness of God. Psalm92: 1-2 says "It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your loving-kindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night."

Why is it good? For one reason, it is good to give thanks to God because it recognizes Him as the priority in our lives - which is most vital during challenging times. When we give thanks our hearts are renewed to the truth that although everything around us may change and things may be going on in the world that we don't like, however, He never changes - He always remains the same.

When we are thankful to God no matter what is going on around us, we are saying that although life may be hard, He is still good - all the time - all the time. God is good and we choose to be thankful for that simple truth.

Finally, let me share with you what being thankful does for us. It changes us. Isaiah 26:3 reminds us, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." Being thankful causes you to have peace, even in the midst of a storm.

When we are thankful, we find that we can do as the word of God says and proclaim, 'whatever my lot - You have taught me to say, 'It is well with my soul.' We are able to count our blessings rather than complain about our burdens.

Expectation replaces anxiety when we recall the wonderful things God has done for us. Worship replaces worry when we think back to the goodness of the Lord and how it has been seen in our lives.

Worry will gain you nothing however, reminding yourself of what God did for you last time will keep you in peace as your mind is stayed on Him. Complaining won't get you anywhere - on the other hand, declaring His marvelous works and continuing to declare that God did it for you in the past and He will do it again will cause your miracle to come bursting through.

It's good to give thanks to God. It's good to remember all He has done. In the Old Testament, every time God did something really big for His people, He would have them make a memorial, or place a stone there - to simply remember and leave a mark that God is good and His goodness was seen on that day.

How about you? Has His goodness been seen in your life? If it has, and I know it has, make a memorial - at the very least, write it down. Place it before your face and remind yourself that God is good - all the time. His goodness is with you every step of the way and the more you remember that - the more you will live in an atmosphere of expectancy and we know that in an atmosphere of expectancy - things happen.

What are you thankful for today? I have so many things - but even this day, I am going to begin to journal, not only sermon notes, not only words from God, but also to make a memorial of thankfulness, a memorial of all those times that I said by faith 'it is well with my soul' only to find out that it REALLY was well with my soul after all - simply because He is good. So good.

Let's pray together today:

God, I know You are good - we all know You are good. I thank You that You never change, even when things change around us - You remain the same - You remain good. God, I want to thank You for all the things You have done for me, my family and our readers. Thank You for Your faithfulness to us. Thank You for blessing our partners. God, I ask that You remind us today of all the good things we have seen in our lives. And God, I ask that Your goodness be seen, actually be seen, in the life of every single person reading this prayer. May your abundant goodness be seen in their life today. We would have lost hope, God, if we had not believed we would see the goodness of God in the land of the living, I thank You that we see with our eyes...that goodness... this day. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, and I declare Amen and So Be It.

Kim Potter

If our motivations are a blessing to you - consider sowing a seed today!!!! A New Thing Ministries appreciates your giving. Your giving enables us to take the word to the world on a daily basis. It enables us to pray for and connect with those who we would otherwise never meet. You are a blessing and we declare your seed blessed and producing a great harvest.

The laws of God are clear, when we sow seeds of faith through giving; we receive harvest and increase in our lives. Gal. 6:7 in the Philips Translation says 'A mans harvest in life will depend entirely on what he sows.' I declare and expect harvest in our partners lives daily.

Each of you is vital to the fulfillment of God's plan. Those who provide prayer and financial support are as vital as those who dig the soil and plant the seeds of Gods word. One would not be effective without the other. Yet together, they can do more than they could ever do alone. As we partner together, we lift up the name of Jesus and God is glorified - thank you for helping us do that. May your harvest be seen this season..

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PO Box 750
Dayton, TN 37321

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Please send your donation in US Funds only.

Think On These

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.

A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind.

There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.

April 4 , 2009
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A Thankful Heart
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Think on These
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After asking for supernatural blessing last month, INDEED i was bless with supernatural blessing. I was bless with additional 2000 from the most unexpected source. by helping my friend to sell his unwanted "junk" I continue to seek and claim for supernatural blessing with my humble donation. amen

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