Tuesday, March 12, 2013

2013 Reading Through Last 6 days of Christ's Ministry as Immanuel, to the Cross, to the Tomb, to Resurrection, to Commissions

“Six days before the Passover” (Jn. 12 : 1)

For those that may be interested, I try to prepare this day by day walk through the last recorded 6 days of Christ’s ministry on earth, as well as an account of time leading up to the resurrection. There were some very important jewels given to us in The Word during this time. 

We hope you would print this out and walk through the day by day account with Jesus and His teachings during those final hours with us as Immanuel. May we recommend you make this a family daily reading adventure? The days have been converted in to 2013 dates to correspond the exact time of Hebrew calendar dates.

6th day before The Passover, the 9th Nisan = sundown March 25, 2013 = Monday evening until Tuesday, March 26 @ sundown
Luke 19 : 1-23; Matt. 21 : 1-17; John 12 : 1

5th day before Passover, The 10th of Nisan = sundown March 26, 2013 = Tuesday evening until Wednesday, 27 @ sundown
John 12 : 2-11 * 1st of 3 “Lord's Supper's” 1 of 2 anointing took place

4th day before Passover, The 11th of Nisan = sundown March 27, 2013 = Wednesday evening until Thursday, March 28 @ sundown
Mark 11 : 1-11; Luke 19 : 29 – 44; John 12 : 12 – 19

3rd day before Passover, The 12th of Nisan = sundown March 28, 2013 = Thursday evening until Friday, 29 @ sundown
Matt. 21 : 13 – 22; Mark 11 : 12 – 19; Luke 19 : 45 – 48; John 12 : 20 – 50

2nd day before Passover, The 13th of Nisan = sundown March 29, 2013= Friday evening until Saturday, 30th @ sundown (In the year 2013, this would be considered the weekly Sabbath not to be confused with the High Holy Sabbath of Passover which was yearly honored)
Matt. 21 : 18 – 22; 22 (whole chapter); 24 (whole chapter); 25 (whole chapter);26 : 1 -13* ;
Mark 11 : 20 – 33; 12 (whole chapter); 13 (whole chapter);14 : 1 – 9*;
Luke 20 (whole chapter) 21 (whole chapter)
*2nd of 3 “Lord's Supper's” & 2nd of 2 anointing took place
Important to remember, while HE was alive (in the flesh) He was loving us with HIS Word to be with us until His return. His Word shall NOT PASS AWAY!

PREPARATION DAY, The day before Passover, The 14th of Nisan = sundown March 30 = Saturday evening until Sunday, 31 @ sundown.
“The Preparation Day” -- The day of the Crucifixion. First Day of Unleavened Bread (according to Mark 14 : 12 & Luke 22 : 7)
Matt. 26 : 14 -27, 66; Mark 14 : 10 – 15, 47; Luke 22 : 1 – 23, 56;
John 13 : 1 – 19, 42
*3rd of 3 “Lord's Supper's ( a/k/a The Last Supper ) just before they came to lead Him off to be killed. It is during this Crucifixion day that HIS death would bring about SALVATION for WHOMSOEVER would believe in HIM and HIS SACRIFICE!
It was around Midnight in Gentile time or about the 6th Hour of Hebrew time, that they began the trial of Jesus. This all lasted until the 9am Gentile time or 3rd Hour of Hebrew time when they crucified Him. (Mark 15.25). Darkness fell over the land from Noon Gentile time or 6th Hour Hebrew time and lasted the length of 3 hours. So at the 9th Hebrew Hour or 3pm Gentile time, the darkness lifted; at which time He gave up the Ghost. His flesh body was placed in the tomb between 5-6pm Gentile time or 11th-12th Hebrew hour. 

“The First Day of the Feast”-- “The High Day” (Yom tov), The PASSOVER, The 15th of Nisan = sundown March 31 = Sunday evening until Monday, 1st @ sundown
The first night and day Christ’s Spirit was in Paradise taking captivity captive within the heart of the earth where they were held in Abraham’s bossom. He preached to the spirits in prison according to 1 Peter 3. 19. Let’s also not forget way back in Isaiah 61 from which Christ quoted the first time He spoke out in the Temple of which He was in for 3 days according to Luke 2.46. Luke 4. 15-30 is an account of Jesus speaking this Word of Wisdom to them.  

“The Second Day of the Feast”- The 16th of Nisan= Sundown April 1, Monday until April 2, Tuesday at sundown.
The second night and day Christ’s flesh was in the tomb.

“The Third Day of the Feast”- The 17th of Nisan= Sundown April 2, Tuesday until Sundown April 3, Wednesday.
The third night and day Christ’s flesh was in the tomb.

“The Fourth Day of the Feast”- The 18th of Nisan= Sundown April 3, Wednesday until Sundown April 4, Thursday.
He ROSE FROM THE DEAD! “After three days” Matthew 27.63; Mark 8.31
This would be the morning the women came to find the stone rolled away (Luke 24: 1-8)

Sequence of Events following The Lord's Resurrection

Matt. 27 : 61 Mark 15 : 47 Luke 23 : 55, 56 John 20 : 1 – 29 [30,31]
Matt. 28 : 1 - 20 Mark 16 : 1 - 20 Luke 24 : 1- 53* John 21 : 1 – 23 [24,25]

1st commission-- Luke 24 : 47 – given in Jerusalem on the evening of the day of the resurrection. Were to proclaim “repentance & remission of sins”!

2nd commission-- Mark 16 : 15 – 18 - given for the personal ministry of the Apostles, to be fulfilled BEFORE the destruction of the temple & of Jerusalem.

3rd commission-- Matt. 28 : 19,20 – proclamation of:
(a) The King (parables Luke 19 : 12; 26 : 64)
(1.)The summons to Gentiles to submit to Jesus Christ, as King of Israel.
Ps. 2 : 10 – 12)
(b.) “The Gospel of the Kingdom” -- for a witness to all nations, immediately before the end of this age (Matt. 24 : 14; Rev. 14 : 6)
Final deliverance of Israel (Ps. 2 : 9, vrs 6 then fulfilled!)
*It was on this evening of the day of the Resurrection (which would be after Sundown on April 4, Thursday, that the FIRST COMMISSION was given to the 11 disciples and all the accompanied them. (Luke 24.47). The SECOND COMMISSION was given to them Mark 16.15-18. The THIRD COMMISSION was given in Matthew 28.19&20

In 29 AD, the actual dates would have been Christ’s death on April 3, Wednesday; Christ’s resurrection verified on April 7, Sunday; Ascension Day, May 13; Pentecost, May 23.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The High Cost of Grace


Grace is God's undeserved goodness & kindness toward us w/o
regard to our merit or worth.  It is freely bestowed on all who believe
the good news that Jesus is the Son of God, & He died for their sins. 
Although grace is free, it sin't cheap - the Lord paid a high price to obtain
this blessing for us.  He left the wealth of heaven to come to earth so
that He could redeem us & give us the riches of His celestial home.  Think
of what that meant in terms of Jesus' earthly life:  The One who is
Creator & Owner of all things lived on earth w/o possessions.  He was
born in a borrowed stable, had no place to lay His head during the
years of His itinerant ministry, & borrowed not only a donkey for entering
Jersualem but also an upper room for the last supper.  Even the tomb
was not His own.  Christ also laid aside the glory He had w/the Father. 
Although He never ceased being God while on the earth, His radiant
divinity was veiled w/human flesh.  Being born as a helpless baby, Jesus
gave up the use of His omniscience & went through all the stages of
human flesh.  Being born as a helpless baby, Jesus gave up the use
of His omniscience & went through all the stages of human growth &
development.  The Son of God descended from reigning on the Father's
throne to washing the dirty feet of His disciples.
EARLY LIGHT Christ became poor but lost nothing.  Jesus regained the
glory of heaven & brought us along.  In following Him, believers likewise
lose nothing & gain everything.  We die to self & gain our souls; give away
riches & receive heavenly treasures; & humble ourselves to be exalted in
God's time.

Eagles in a Storm

Eagles In A Storm!! A reminder for ALL!
Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching
long before it breaks?
The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to
come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind
will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages
below, the eagle is soaring above it.
The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm
to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm.
When the storms of life come upon us - and all of us will experience
them - we can rise above them by setting our minds and our belief toward God. The storms do not have to overcome us. We can allow God's power to lift us above them.
God enables us to ride the winds of the storm that bring sickness, tragedy, failure and disappointment in our lives. We can soar above
the storm.
Remember, it is not the burdens of life that weigh us down, it is how
we handle them.

Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit

This ministry highly recommends Lester Sumrall's "Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit".  Acts 1.8 "But you will receive power,  after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and you shall be witness unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the Earth." (KJV)

There are 2 foundational stones: Unity and Love
Gifts of the Spirit are given when UNITY with our Lord Christ Jesus as Savior Lamb of God and our Father God Creator happens in our hearts with LOVE! 
Reason for gifts of the Spirit are for our use as weapons of spiritual warfare to show our LORD GOD is invincible! (pretty cool reason!)
There are 9 gifts of the Spirit  and they are broken into 3 groups.

  • The groups of Gifts of the Spirit are: Revelation, Power, and Inspiration
  • Revelation Gifts= word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits
  •  The word of wisdom is the revealing of the prophetic future under the anointing of God.  In OT every seer (prophet) foretelling the future was endowed with this gift. 
  • The word of knowledge is the revealing of a fact in existence that can only be supernaturally revealed. It can't be seen or heard or known naturally. The difference in these is: wisdom reveals of the future, knowledge reveals of a fact that exists now! 
  • The discerning of spirits has to do with the comprehending of the human spirit, supernaturally revealed by the Holy Spirit. It is not the discerning of demons, but the discerning of the human spirit- good and bad.
  • Power Gifts= gift of faith, gifts of healing, the working of miracles

  • The gift of faith is God's bringing to pass a supernatural change. No human effort is involved.  
  • The gift of working miracles does work through a human instrument. It is a person doing a supernatural act by the divine energy of the Holy Spirit. 
  • The gifts of healing is God supernaturally healing the sick through a ministry anointed by the Holy Spirit. A person may be given a gift from the Spirit of God to pray for a particular kind of sickness or disease. There are many ways to be healed and this is the only gift that is plural for this reason. There might be as many gifts as there are diseases.

  • Inspiration Gifts= gift of prophesy, the gift of tongues, the gift of interpretation

  • The gift of tongues is the ministry of proclaiming in a public meeting a message from God in a language not understood by the person giving it. It does NOT come from their mind, but from the Holy Spirit.

(This teaching by Lester Sumrall helps understand the difference in a "message in tongues given to the church" and "praying in the Spirit". Until reading this book as well as some others I will tell you about, I didn't really understand this concept at all. Now I think it is pretty clear. On this subject this ministry recommends the reading of Pastor Don Nori, Sr.'s book titled "You Can PRAY In Tongues" or T.D. Jakes book titled "Anointing Fall on Me" explains it rather well.)
  • The interpretation of tongues will follow the operation of the gift of tongues. The message that has been given in another language is interpreted supernaturally by the Holy Spirit through another person, without that person's mental faculties being involved.
  • The gift of prophecy is the anointed speaking forth of words of edification, exhortation, and comfort- words supernaturally given to the church from God.


Preach The Blood of Jesus

Preach The Blood Of Jesus!
More than ever, we as Christians need to preach about the Blood of Jesus! A revival of emphasis on the Blood is desperately needed in the Christian circles. Sinner and saint alike need to know the significance of Christ's Blood and all that it accomplished on the Cross. Consider this message as a thrust to do so. Let's prepare the groundwork for the Greatest Revival to hit our homes, churches, and land - through the most Precious Blood of the Lamb of God.
1. Preach Christ's Innocence
Matthew 27:4 says - "Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to it."
"The innocent blood" - in the above verse - can also be read as "the innocent man" or "the innocent life." It is crucial that we understand that Jesus did not commit any crime or sin in any way, shape, or form - to merit God's wrath and judgment on His life. He was the innocent Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. The innocent was put to death for the guilty.
2. Preach The Inestimable Value Of The Blood
1 Peter 1:19 says - "But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."
This "blood" was costly - accomplishing what silver and gold could never do. It was the "blood" of "a lamb without blemish and without spot" - being perfectly pure in soul...righteous in His life...and uninfected by any impression of sin from the world.

3. Preach The Purchasing Blood
Acts 20:28 says - "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood."
Through the agency of His own "blood," God acquired or gained something. He made it His own - keeping or saving it for Himself. He purchased a people - a flock - for His own service.
4. Preach The Redeeming Blood
Ephesians 1:7 says - "In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace."
Colossians 1:14 says - "In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins."
1 Peter 1:18-19 says - "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."
Revelation 5:9 says - "And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation."
The moment we believe in the finished work of Calvary - we are freed from the guilt and power of sin. What Jesus did and suffered for us delivers us from its captivity and slavery. The price paid is His "blood." It is the ransom money - the cost of redemption. Because of it, the power, guilt, and evil consequences of sin are taken away. Forgiveness and deliverance from all iniquity and transgressions are issued to us.
5. Preach The Cleansing Blood
1 John 1:7 says - "But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanseth us from all sin."
The "blood" of Jesus not only forgives sin but removes its principle in all its forms and manifestations. It takes away its guilt and power. It daily cleanses the conscience and life from the sinful weaknesses of the flesh. There is no stain of sin so deep that the "blood" cannot remove it entirely from the soul. And not only that - it preserves holiness in the soul by keeping clean what it has made clean.
6. Preach The Justifying Blood
Romans 5:9 says - "Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him."
By His death on the Cross and His blood shedding, Jesus saved us from the effects of the wrath of God. Sin is pardoned, and the sinner is saved from the displeasure of God ... accepted as righteous ... pardoned ... rendered as sacred in His eyes ... and accepted as His friend.
7. Preach The Peacemaking Blood
Colossians 1:20 says - "And, having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven."
Our reconciliation with God was made possible by the "blood" of Calvary's Cross. It took away the sin barrier that separated us from God. Peace was made between those who were alienated from each other - Jew and Gentile...man and man...and especially God and man.

8. Preach The Sanctifying Blood
Hebrews 13:12 says - "Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate."
The "blood" cleanses from sin and consecrates or sets apart as holy for God's use.
9. Preach The Blood Of The Everlasting Covenant
Hebrews 13:20 says - "Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant."
The "blood" is the seal of the everlasting covenant. It is the means by which the people are made - inwardly and outwardly - holy. Through it - all blessings like redemption, peace, pardon, and the entrance into heaven are procured.
10. Preach The Washing Blood
Revelation 1:5 says - "And from Jesus Christ, Who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood."
The word "washed" can also be read as - loosed or set free from sin by the "blood."
How powerful will our witness for the Lord Jesus Christ be when we emphasize His Blood that was shed on Calvary's Cross.
The Blood that Jesus shed for me...way back on Calvary...it will NEVER lose its power!
Revelation 12:11 gives us the last reference in the Bible to His shed blood - "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb..."
Lastly, we find that - along with all of the other ten characteristics of the "blood" - we should definitely preach - in our day and time - "the overcoming blood."
Oh! How people need to hear about it!
So many today are facing troubles and bondages of which they cannot break loose. The answer will not be found in a two-step...three- step... ten-step...or even twelve-step program. The answer will only be found where it has always been - and that is in exercising faith in the Blood of Jesus.
Whenever we talk about faith with others, let's be sure to always emphasize the Blood.
When we do, we can be assured that - in turn - we will encounter the Power of God as His witness to our testimony.
May God Bless His Word!

Facing our Giants

Facing our Giants
READ  1 SAMUEL 17:45-47
Life's Goliaths come in all shapes, sizes, & intensities:  an unhappy relationship, a difficult job, a rebellious child, a pile of debt, an uncontrollable habit, etc.  David faced what appeared to be an insurmountable problem.  Like Him, we can gain victory through God's power, though we may "suffer & bleed" on the battlefield.  Notice that David declared victory over Goliath before the battle even began (1 Sam. 17:46).  The shepherd's confidence was rooted in his past experiences.  David credited God w/protecting & strengthening him when he killed the lion & bear that had threatened his flock.  Furthermore, David believed he would triumph because he was God's servant.  The boy had spent hours alone in the wilderness listening to God's quiet voice.  Even a giant's discouraging shout could not shake his convictions about who the Lord was & what He could do through His servant.  David had practical faith habits.  He spent time w/God, which yielded a strong relationship.  In turn, he responded to a problem w/the certainty that he was a beloved child of God w/full access to his Father's storehouses of power, courage, & wisdom.  If David had a moment of doubt, he could recall his own poetic words about the Lord's great faithfulness in past troubles.
Spend time alone w/the Lord, & keep a record of His work in our lives.  Then we can be confident that God is sufficient, no matter how big a problem looms.  He gives victory to those who stand in faith & confront their Goliaths.

Cooperating with The Spirit of The Lord

Cooperating with The Spirit of the LORD
We've seen that the mere presence of the Holy Spirit brings about changes in our actions & attitudes.  Now, let's go a little deeper & examine the greater growth that takes place when we actively cooperate w/Him.  By "cooperating w/the Spirit," I simply mean that we trust & rely upon God's Holy Spirit to work in & through us.  We cannot produce spiritual fruit w/o the work of the Spirit, & it is certainly God's will for us to be fruitful.  In John 15:1, Jesus describes the Father as a vinedresser.  Why would a vinedresser plant a vineyard if he were not expecting a crop of grapes?  Clearly, by Jesus' own illustration, we can trust that fruitfulness is God's goal for us.

Actions and Attitudes

Actions & Attitudes
A difficult lesson for all followers of Christ is that our spiritual fruit can come in 2 forms:  fruit of activity & fruit of attitude.  Activity, obviously, refers to the things that we do, the works we accomplish for the Lord.  While these deeds can be wonderful, we cannot always trust them.  Jesus Himself warned about the error of placing too much confidence in our actions (Matt. 7:21-23).  The fruit of attitude, however, is a far better indication of what is happening in our spirits.  You see, as the Holy Spirit works in our lives, His fruit is manifested 1st in our attitudes.  As we come under the influence of His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control, our inward attitudes will begin to affect our outward behavior.  The change comes from within as the Holy Spirit modifies our thinking (Rom. 12:2).  This inner attitude transformation is squarely in line w/the very definition of repentance:  a change of mind that results in a change of behavior.  When we give the Holy Spirit free reign in our lives & focus on our growth in Him, we will begin to notice changes in our thoughts & deeds.  It is as though when we are filled w/the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit is simply the natural outflow of what is happening within our hearts.  Then we can't help but show the world what sets us apart as different.  This does not mean that we will always succeed.  Will I be able to love everyone at every moment?  Will I always be joyful?  No, I won't.  Our momentary shortcomings do not make us spiritual failures.  Remember, we are still living in a dark & sinful world, & our spirits are always engaged in battle w/outside influences.  However, when we begin to emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit by listening to God's leading & applying His Word, we will begin an unprecedented time of growth & maturity that will result in a complete change of our personalities & priorities.

The Last Day

Lessons from Jesus

The Last Day
My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.—Matthew 26:38
David Rice

We come to the last day of our Lord’s life, the fourteenth of Nisan, the day he would be lifted up on Calvary’s cross for our sins. The sun has descended in the west. It is still light, but the day is closing—nearly 2,000 years ago—Thursday changing into Friday. Candles are lit for the coming darkness. Darkness is settling also among the enemies of the son of God.

Four days before, Jesus and his disciples gathered to dine in Bethany at the home of his friends, when dear Mary made a costly gift. The raising of Lazarus was still fresh in her mind, but long before that, she loved to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear the words of life. Mary unsealed an alabaster box with somewhat more than a cup and a half of costly scented oil. She applied this first on Jesus’ head, and the remainder on his feet, which were washed earlier. She wiped the residue with her hair.

Soon the fragrance of spikenard filled the home. A thousand years before, Solomon penned the words—“While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof” (Song of Solomon 1:12), and Jesus remembered. Later Jesus would be wrapped with myrrh and aloes, representing his death and the healing that would come from it. But here was a fragrance of love, and it filled his heart.

The next morning—Monday morning, still the tenth of Nisan—Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt that represented the new doctrines of grace and truth which he bore. He was received with shouts of Hosanna by the crowds, and properly so, for he was their Messiah and deliverer. But his welcome presaged his death. The lambs of passover were selected on the tenth of Nisan, and he was presented to Israel the same day.

Tuesday, Jesus cursed the fig tree, cleansed the temple, and taught the people through the day.

Wednesday, the temple leaders confronted him, and sent agents to trap him in his words. It was to no avail: “Never man spake like this man” (John 7:46). But it was an exhausting day. He taught the people through the day, publicly called to account the leaders of Israel, and warned them of the coming judgment. When at last he departed for an evening at Bethany, he paused at the Mount of Olives and uttered for his disciples the prophecies and parables recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25.

Now it was Thursday evening. He had spent this day with his disciples at Bethany. With the decline of the sun, the last events began to unfold.

Jesus sent two disciples ahead of him into Jerusalem to prepare for their gathering, giving them enigmatic instructions. Upon entering the city they would find a man bearing a pitcher of water—they were to follow him to whatever home he entered. There they would request of the house manager a place to prepare for passover, and be shown a large upper room, spread with carpets and cushions for dining. But suppose upon reaching Jerusalem, they did not find such a man. Or, perhaps more than one. Or, maybe they would be delayed enroute and miss an intended connection. Or, perhaps the first man would lead them to the wrong home. No, it would all go well. In these directions they would have another tangible sign of the Lord’s mastery of all affairs. Similarly, the saints all through the age have found appointed servants of Jesus, carrying vessels of truth, and following these, they have found their master has provided a rich spread of blessings.

There the disciples made ready: “And when the hour was come,” Jesus reclined together with the twelve apostles (Luke 22:14). Some brethren suppose this was the passover meal his disciples were to make ready. Others suppose it was a pre-passover last supper, noting the words of Jesus, that he would not eat passover with his disciples until the kingdom. In either case, the Jews at large would bring their lambs to the temple the following afternoon, about the time Jesus’ completed his suffering on the cross. And in either case, Jesus would die on the fourteenth of Nisan, as predicted centuries before in the passover type. 

Host of the Evening
Jesus was the host for this gathering. It was customary for a host to offer guests a cup of refreshment upon the commencement of the evening’s event. This was called the “cup of blessing,” and Jesus offered this to his disciples before the meal. But he himself would not receive it. Thus he said to his disciples: “Take this, and divide it among yourselves” (Luke 22:17). He explained: “I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come” (verse 18).
The term “cup of blessing” means a cup for which we bless God, that is, we give thanks to God. Paul refers to this “cup of blessing” in 1 Corinthians 10:16, and, as does Luke, he puts it before the emblems which Jesus introduced later, during the course of the meal. But the meaning is the same in any case: the wine represents the blood of atonement, shed by our Lord Jesus, which we receive with thanks. Without this, we have no life in us.  

The Last Supper
As the supper proceeded, Jesus observed that something had been overlooked—not by Jesus, of course, but by his disciples. It was customary for guests to have their feet washed, for the comfort of the evening. They had walked perhaps three miles from Bethany to this location, and this kindness would have been appreciated. But none of his disciples had taken the opportunity to serve the others in this way.
So Jesus did. Only the Gospel of John records this episode. He took a towel in hand, poured water into a basin, and one by one went to each disciple. Surely, at the first disciple, they all recognized a lesson; by the time Jesus came to Peter, he broke the tension by refusing to have the master thus serve him. Peter had a good spirit, but Jesus had something deeper in mind. Jesus was about to die for them all, and no one else could do this service for them. What our Lord was doing now, was in symbol the cleansing only he could give them—and only he can give us.
“If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me” said Jesus to Peter (John 13:8). The same words apply to each of us. We are sinners by nature. If our Lord would not do the service of cleansing us, then we could have no part with him. Are we not blessed to have the son of God, himself, stoop to this service for us? If Jesus would do this for us, then we should in the same spirit, wish to serve others. Each of us feels that lesson from our master.
It was apparently after this that Jesus introduced the emblems of his death: the bread and the cup. Luke’s account says, following those emblems, that Jesus said the hand of his betrayer was on the table (Luke 22:21), and John’s account next introduces this matter of Judas. It was no intellectual matter for our Lord. It touched him, it troubled him. John 13:21 says, “Jesus … was troubled in spirit” and said “verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.”
The news took them by surprise. Each looked around, wondering of whom he spoke, asking, “Is it I?” (Mark 14:19). Peter, a little removed perhaps, asked John, who was next to Jesus, to ask who he meant. Jesus replied, “He it is, to whom I shall give a sop” (John 13:26). Jesus took a morsel of food, dipped it in the sauce, and gave it to Judas. Perhaps only John heard this (only John recorded it), for even when Judas left, when Jesus said “that thou doest, do quickly,” they supposed he meant him to purchase something for passover, or perhaps give some charity to the poor (John 13:29).
Now Judas was gone. Now Jesus began preparing his disciples for his departure. What would he say to them in the short time remaining?
  He told them he was going.

   He gave them a new commandment, to love one another: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples” (John 13:35). And so it has worked. True Christianity is marked as the religion of love, above all others.

    Peter protested that he was willing to follow Jesus anywhere, and lay down his life for Jesus. And he meant it. He had said the same thing weeks earlier, so had all of the disciples, and they all meant it, as shown by their following Jesus to Jerusalem where they knew Jesus’ life was in peril. But fear would loom, and Jesus warned Peter of three denials before the crowing of the cock.

    Jesus then began to speak to his disciples as a groom would speak to a bride, although the point is missed in our culture. When a young Jewish lady received a proposal of marriage, if her answer was yes, she would take a cup of wine offered to her. Jesus had passed the cup to them, and they had all taken it. Now Jesus told them that he would go away to prepare them a place, as a groom would go away to prepare living quarters for a new family, return when ready, and claim his bride. “If I go, and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself” (John 14:3). Now Christ has returned, and those disciples have all been gathered to him. By the Lord’s grace, if we are faithful, we will have a share with them, at the close of our way.

Thomas and Philip and Jude followed up with some questions, and Jesus with answers they would understand later. Jesus would be the way, the truth, and the life, to lead them to him in due time. Jesus promised the holy spirit to come in his stead, to guide them to the end. Meanwhile, if a man would keep his words, then through the holy spirit, Jesus and God would make their abode with him. Are they at home within us?

Journey to Gethsemane
After these words Jesus brought the occasion to a close: “Arise, let us go hence,” and this closes John chapter 14. As the little band passed eastward, perhaps it was the vine carvings on doors near the temple which prompted Jesus, as he walked, to give the disciples the lesson of the vine and branches. We are to bear fruit, receive pruning, and partake of the spirit of Christ.

He repeated his commandment about love, and assured them they were his friends and confidants. And he said something which would be more precious as time passed, namely, that he had chosen them. He chose them, and commissioned them, to bear fruit.

They would be hated and persecuted by the enemies of God. But they should not be offended. He told them again of the comforter which would come, the holy spirit, and its influence.

Then he repeated his earlier cryptic thoughts to them, reworded a little: “A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me” (John 16:16). He meant that they would have deep sorrow for a time, but they would see him raised from the dead, rejoice greatly, and go forth with a renewed spirit, zeal and faith. Then “your heart shall rejoice” and no one would dim that joy (John 16:22). The words were still cryptic, but they would understand soon enough.
Then he spoke more plainly. He came from the Father, into the world, and now would leave the world and return to his Father. But, he said, a trial is coming, and you will be scattered, for a short time.

He then lifted his eyes to heaven and prayed audibly for his disciples, a prayer which constitutes John chapter 17: keep them, sanctify them, nourish them.

By this time, the little band had reached the brook Kidron, east of Jerusalem, and, a little further on, Gethsemane at the base of the mount of Olives. Here Jesus paused, calling on Peter, James, and John to come further and watch with him, as three times he sought to know from his Father, in prayer, that all things were well. There was great intensity, great fervor, great concern. The weight of his mission bore upon him with more pressure than we can apprehend. But an angel sustained him, and his heart was brought to peace. Perhaps the intensity of his prayers are preserved for us through the witness of young John Mark, in the shadows, as others were sleeping (Mark 14:51,52).

The Entourage
God allowed nothing to interfere until our Lord’s wrestling in prayer had run its course. Then it was time. Judas led an armed band, and betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Jesus addressed his captors, and as they all fell back, he might simply have walked away. But it was his time and he would stay. Jesus still was in command of the situation. He healed the ear of Malchus, then saw to the freedom of all his disciples.

Now he was alone in the hour of darkness, except for his Father.
Jesus was taken to Annas, the power behind the scene. There he was bound, and sent to Annas’ son-in-law Caiaphas, high priest that year. Peter and John followed at a distance, and John gained entrance for them at the courtyard of Caiaphas. By this means Peter was brought into danger, and three times denied Christ. Luke’s account says when the cock crewed the third time, Jesus caught the eye of Peter, who went out and wept bitterly.

Meanwhile Jesus was condemned by a council under Caiaphas. They searched for witnesses, and several came forward with false testimony, but no two agreed. At last two were found with a semblance of agreement about a threat by Jesus against the temple—but Jesus would not respond. Not until Caiaphas adjured him to speak, as a solemn charge to a man of honor, did Jesus finally address them: “Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven” (Matthew 26:64).

That was it. It wasn’t what they wanted, but it was close enough. The high priest rent his garment in mock horror, demanded a verdict, and the council obliged. They would have to wait a few hours for daybreak to bring him to Pilate. Meanwhile the soldiers took liberty to mock him, spit on him, hit him on the blindfolded face, and ridicule him, until they tired of their sport.

At first light, the priests and elders reaffirmed their sentence, and brought Jesus to Pilate. Jesus said little to Pilate, and nothing to the accusations of the priests and elders. Pilate marveled at his reserve, but Pilate recognized that Jesus was innocent. Pilate’s wife warned him also: “Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him” (Matthew 27:19). Pilate gave his verdict: “I find no fault in this man” (Luke 23:4). But his accusers railed the more, claiming that Jesus had stirred up people from Galilee to Jerusalem.

Galilee? He was a Galilean? Herod, who ruled Galilee, happened to be visiting Jerusalem at the time. Pilate would send the matter to him. Herod was curious and willing, but Jesus would not say a word. So Herod returned him to Pilate, but not before Herod’s men adorned him in purple and mocked him.

Pilate faced Jesus a second time. He decided to scourge Jesus—a brutal process—and release him. Jesus was scourged, and the soldiers made a crown of thorns, and hit him repeatedly, taunting him as King of the Jews. In this way Pilate presented him to the crowds, seeking sympathy, but none was offered. Instead the crowds railed against him: “He ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God” (John 19:7).

The Son of God? Now Pilate was even more afraid. He brought Jesus into the hall of judgment again. “Where do you come from?” (John 19:9, NIV). Jesus would not answer, until to Pilate’s claim to have the power of life and death, Jesus said: “Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above,” a tacit acknowledgment of his standing with God (John 19:11).

It was now the sixth hour, sometime between six and seven in the morning (John 19:14). Pilate tried to release Jesus, but threatened with infidelity to Caesar, he yielded. He washed his hands, but he could not wash away his guilt. Some years later he would die by his own hand (Eusebius, The History of the Church, 2.7.1).

They took Jesus to the place of the skull, Golgotha. Exhausted, without sleep, having passed exquisite emotional pressure, weakened by brutality, Jesus was required to bear his cross to the hill of execution (John 19:17), assisted in some manner by Simon of Cyrene who was conscripted for the occasion (Matthew 27:32). All that he endured led to his death before the thieves on either side of him.

At Golgotha, iron nails would blow-by-blow fasten each hand, then each foot, to the rough wooden cross. He would endure six hours of exposure and indignity. But he was still mindful of pursuing his mission.

    His garments were distributed by lot,
    He assured the repentant thief,
    He gave John the charge of his mother,
    He claimed Psalm 22 from the cross,
    He tasted vinegar to fulfill prophecy,
    He exclaimed “It is finished,”
    Then quietly commended his spirit to God.

The sky darkened at noon-day for three hours. Jesus died between two thieves, he was buried in a rich man’s tomb, the earth quaked at his death, the temple veil rent from top to bottom, the tombs were opened and bodies thrown up. The soldiers feared, and the Centurion said, “Truly this was the son of God” (Matthew 27:54).

Friday, Nisan 14, came to a close. The Sabbath of rest began, and Jesus rested in the tomb. His pain had ended, his work was done. In the houses of Israel around the land, two candles were lit to bring in the Sabbath (jewfaq.org/shabbat.htm , compare Exodus 20:8, Deuteronomy 5:12). These candles are named Zakhor (remember), and Shamor (observe). Now we remember. Now we observe.
“He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth … He was taken from prison and from judgment … he was cut off … for the transgression of my people was he stricken … He made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death … He had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased [Jehovah] to bruise him; he hath put him to grief [and] made his soul an offering for sin. … He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied … my righteous servant [shall] justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the Great.” (Isaiah 53:7-12)

On the third day he was raised king of all creation!

Remember Me
It is this that we remember, when we remember the sacrifice of Christ. Before these events were 3½ years of daily giving—teaching, healing, exhorting, setting an example, opening a “new and living way” for us (Hebrews 10:20). That had been preceded by thirty years of righteous, Godly, devoted living, patiently preparing for his life’s service. All of this our Lord has done for us. Let us now return our little all to him.

Prayer and Repentance

Prayer and Repentance
(This teaching was done by Marvin Gorman sometime back. I having studied under his teachings had my notes from it. I was asked to preach one night at a small Apostolic Church in Athens and this lesson is where the LORD led me. I have added to Pastor Gorman's teaching a few things the LORD showed me through other sources as well. I pray it blesses you as it has many others, including myself.)
We forget sometimes how much power one person has in PRAYER!
This is a true story recorded under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit through one man.
Nehemiah the cupbearer of king and had been taken away into
captivity. Now some from Jerusalem had some business there where
they were in captivity, so he inquired concerning the homeland.
This is the report they gave him...
Chapter 1 Verse 3- 11
Chapter 2 Verse 17
Nehemiah could only do one thing... PRAY! He was helpless to go
back home, to help the people, to do anything. Only thing he could
do was pray! So, he did one thing... PRAYED! He was helpless
to do anything except PRAY!
God has spoken  from this chapter to us if we will only have ears to
hear. Nehemiah had a vision. He saw the situation as it was. He
didn’t try to make it something it wasn't. He saw the city was burned,
the walls broken down, the people distressed.
Nehemiah had a vision. He assessed the situation. He started to
pray. He mourned, wept, fasted, and prayed. If you want to touch
God... a broken and contrite spirit will beacon HIM always.
Point #1-IF you want God to get involved in your situation then
you are going to have to humble yourself! If you are walking around
cocky and a 'know it all'... no way is God going to get involved.
BUT when you are broken, mourning, weeping, fasting, and
#2. Nehemiah began to repent. He said WE have transgressed.
"WE" your people have sinned. Nehemiah was a holy man. But
he stepped out and put himself with all the people.
Look at our families today. We don't have to sacrifice not one of
our family members. If we seek God this way... God can save our
household. IF we believe the WORD OF GOD... then we can
claim the salvation of our households! AMEN! God has given
us the right to stand in the gap and intercede making up the hedge.
But the first thing we have to do is BE HONEST with our self!
Don't paint that picture something it is not.
If your kids are rebellious. Then confess it before God... WE have
a spirit of rebellion should be confessed! Not "THEY" but WE!!!
WE the family!!! IF one in the house has a spirit of rebellion... the
whole house is under the attack of the spirit of rebellion.
If it is one in the household it is all the house! Rebellion is a form of
witchcraft. Which opens the door for every demonic power you can
think of to harass you!
How can I break it? Through mourning, weeping, fasting, and
praying and God will then get involved!
A spirit of rebellion can NOT withstand the power of God. He
will break it every time!!!
It hurts my heart to look at families today. Even if the mom, dad, and
children live under one roof... they are scattered, ripped, torn in every direction! NOW is the time to begin to pray and repent! Though
you may not DO "it"... it is effected throughout the household.
Think of how a get-a-way driver goes to jail just like the actual bank
Don't just respond to crisis! Stand in the gap before the crisis
comes! REPENT! Even for the sins of all things that go on in the
house... because you allowed in it! Guilty by association!!!! (Man's
law gets this more than Christian!) We must take our families back!
We must take our households back! WE can't do it... but we serve
God has the POWER and this why we must humble ourselves to
admit helplessness to deal with these things.
Pray for blessings over your children and spouse. Pray for protection
and deliverance. There are mighty armies of angels from our Father's
house to do mighty and great things for us... but we must be willing to
push through in faith to receive these blessings. Amen.
Where the presence of the LORD is... there is liberty and freedom.
He begins to deal with and work with people. He deals with the hearts
of the unsaved. He causes the unsaved to be broken. When the
presence of God comes down... you can't remain the same! When the
Holy Spirit moves in a church service we feel it and love it and praise
the LORD for it but we confine it to only the CHURCH! When
the Holy Spirit falls onto the household... power comes with it!
Every time the children of Israel was in trouble... the prophets and
leaders pray by stepping into the gap and admit THEY have failed.
Remember the story of Abraham... God doesn't punish the righteous.
When hell breaks loose in our house... WE have failed in our keeping
the presence of the LORD!
When you begin to pray you buck against the force of evil. Satan
hates the family! That is why he tried to destroy the first marriage and
the first brotherhood!
He wants to cause as much turmoil as possible within our homes and
families. If you think you are exempt from this attack on your family...
you are living in a fools paradise! Satan is after your family. He is
after my family! He wants to cause as much turmoil and bitterness as
he possibly can! Don't think when you take a stand against the devil... everything is going to just instantly get sweet and nice!
The first thing Nehemiah faced was mocking! Get ready for that!
We are in spiritual warfare!!! It is battle after battle after battle!
family will probably taunt you, mock you, say nasty things to you...
so as to discourage you!
Stay strong in the faith of the deliverance of our Father. Stay
strong in the faith of the repentant heart. Remain steadfast in
prayer for the promises of God to be fulfilled in your household.
The family is the target of hell! Hell is fighting against the family.
TV is programmed to disrupt the family. Anti-family is pumped
into your home daily. The only salvation in your family is through
weeping, mourning, fasting, and praying.
You might say, "You don't know how bad our situation is!" Well,
let's look at Nehemiah again!
The people had lost hope, been in captivity, came out of captivity,
and now were setting in the debris. 99 years they had been back
home setting in the filth and the broken down walls, and burned
In 52 days one man praying to God... changed everything!!!
This church needs just a few of you to stand up and say... MY
In this 52 days with just a few helping, Nehemiah, they sometimes
kept their clothes on and a sword in their hands while they slept,
and while they worked. They were ready to fight and ready to
pray at all times! In 52 days they were back to restoration!!!
AMEN~! Of course during the whole time... there were people
standing around saying, "YOU ALL MAY AS WELL
" But Nehemiah said.. they didn't know my GOD!
You might say, Well, God hasn't put that on my heart. God
didn't PUT that on Nehemiah's heart either. He looked at
the hopeless situation and sought the LORD for what he might
could do to assist the LORD in anyway possible!
When are you going to look at the conditions of your home
and say... "This is not right for my children to disobey me!"
"This is not right for my children to disrespect me!"
"This is not right to have some evil spirit in my home!" GOD
When are we going to fill our homes with praise and worship
instead of this demonic spirited music of today? I am speaking
about rock and roll, rap, country, and so on the list goes! As
long as you allow the "HELL MUSIC" to go on in your home...
HELL is not going anywhere! You say "THAT IS NOT
HELL MUSIC!" WAKE UP!!!! We want entertainment...
folks, that kind of stuff is NOT of God~! This can only change
when mommas and daddies say we have had enough and we are
going to pray this thing through. Amen?
Let family members say what they want too. They will have to
answer for their own. Tend to your household.
God is dealing in mercy right now. I want you to hear me... God is
dealing in mercy RIGHT NOW~! Family is in trouble! God's
mercy is burdening hearts with this issue so that you will pay
attention! Watch and see... how many families will be saved and
filled with the spirit! Because some of you are listening tonight
and will adhere to this teaching! Mark it down... there will be
WHOLE families saved in this church! Because some of you
have the same strong will as Nehemiah and you have the faith to
do it God's way! AMEN!
Don't get discouraged. Go on and bawl and squal and pray!!!
You can pray your children through anything!!!!!!!!!!! When we pray
we get God involved!!!
Your family is going to be attacked. Satan is setting a trap. They
are going to get involved in drugs, gangs, drinking, violence... IF we
don't get God involved!!!
Young people... the devil is out there to set a trap for you! Get a
hold of God for your family and for your friends.
If you are divorced, my heart goes out to you. BUT no one can
be a dad to your children like you can. No one can be a grandpa
like you can.
The man in your home... whatever spirit is in him is in your family.
The woman in your home... whatever spirit is in her is effecting and influencing your family.
Remember Nehemiah... he prayed and affected a WHOLE
NATION when he prayed!
Stop making excuses! Stop saying it's ok when you know it's not!
We have got to restore the respect. Don't expect your house to
respect you if you don't respect our Heavenly Father!
The following article was written by Brother David Rice. He is with The Herald of Christ's Kingdom magazine and lays out this study beautifully. We encourage you to visit their site and also consider subscribing to their publications. They offer free booklets, a bi-monthly publication magazine, and other biblically sound teachings. We have found them to be generous, kind, and in total submission to following the way of our Lord Jesus. You can click on the title below and quickly find their site through the link.

Feeling the LOVE of our Father

Deborah Ebarb

Our Father God loves us! His love is purest of pure. It knows nothing of this worldly form that is tainted and elusive, impure and self motivated. Our Father God is perfection of all things. His love for HIS children is awesome indeed.
When we say, "I love the LORD GOD." As pure as that might be intended from our lips to HIS HOLY EARS... it is still as filthy rags to HIM! Therefore, it is very important to say rather, "My Father God, Lord of all things with breath, loves me!" That is something awesome and magnificent! This latter statement contains NO filth for there is no lie within our Father God!
"But how might I say, My Father in heaven loves me!!!", one might ask. Or "I have done so many things wrong and sinful in my life, I can't possibly be worthy of such perfect love!", one might tell him/herself. But I say to you, rebuke that spirit of condemnation from your heart! For it is robbing you of the BLOOD OF CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT which bring LIFE ETERNAL to you!!!
The condemnation spirit is very powerful. It wants to speak things into your life that steal, kill, and destroy the NEW CREATURE you have became in Christ Jesus! This evil spirit will rob you of the GRACE Christ was crucified to deliver us! By HIS stripes we are healed! He didn't suffer one aspect at the hands of the enemies of God for nothing! EVERY STRIPE, EVERY HUMILIATION, EVERY NAIL, EVERY HOUR was for a purpose of deliverance and salvation! Take hold of this and loose this evil spirit back to the confines of HELL where it belongs!
The spirit of condemnation will speak to you and tell you that you aren't worthy of forgiveness. Your sins are to great to be forgiven, it might say! And IF you should listen to one word of this... that spirit of condemnation screams out for the spirits of shame, guilt, depression, anxiety, and doubt to rape you of your precious faith, glorified hope and powerful love!!!
If you are in bondage to any of these spirits I would ask that you please listen and hit your knees to pray for the LORD to deliver you from these powerful evils. Ask an elder or two for an anointing and pray over you with faith for your deliverance from this oppression. Our Father is a loving and merciful GOD! HE wants to set the captives free! Freedom is there for the taking IF you will act in HIS obedience and receive it!
I pray this will bless someone suffering this day from feelings of unworthiness, helplessness, hopelessness, paralyzing fears, deep depression, torment, suffering, and hardened hearts! May the LORD GOD answer all your needs through your prayer of repentance for ever allowing these things to rob you of HIS HOLY LOVE FOR YOU!
I pray the Holy Spirit will come into your heart and replace every void once cleansed by repentance and fill your heart with fruits of the Holy Spirit!!! I pray you embrace the overflow and reap the LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONG SUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE awaiting to blossom in your life!!!
If you have need for someone to pray with you and you don't have anyone... we are here for you! We will pray for you with gladness!!! Prayer is powerful! It can move mountains and cast them into the sea! We love you... but most importantly OUR FATHER GOD LOVES YOU HOLY AND WHOLE!!!