Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Light For Your Path: The Word of God

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path.  ~ Psalm 119:105

This particular verse has come up three times in the last four days.  So I must take note of it.  

This may just be the Spirit's way of gently reminding me to get back to reading the word like I did in the past. 

Without reading God's word, if you are a child of His, how would you know you are obeying Him? 

We must always check out the preachers and teachers we sit under or listen to on t.v.  Even our family and friends could be out of line with His word, so always check it out for yourself. 

There is life in the word of God. 

There is power in the word of God. 

May He create in all of us a holy desire to dive in and eat His bread (the word) every day. 
May we sup on this: Jesus knew God's word, that is what he used to deflect Satan's attacks the night before he was crucified. How much more do we need the word of God to make it through this life unscathed?